Register here as a participant (6-11) on left side of page, or volunteer (high school students and 21+) located on right side. *Please note that rising 7th or 8th graders who would like to volunteer must be accompanied by a parent/legal guardian on both days of camp and receive approval.
Volunteer and Helper Registration To register as a volunteer/helper, please fill out this form. We appreciate your time and generosity!
I agree to HOLD HARMLESS Sacred Heart Parish and its employees and agents for any injuries which are not the result of actions taken by representatives of Sacred Heart Parish. I also agree to HOLD HARMLESS Sacred Heart Parish and its employees and agents for injuries to my child that are a foreseeable consequence of his/her actions. I also agree to HOLD HARMLESS Sacred Heart Parish and its employees and representatives for actions taken to protect the health and physical security of my child during camp activities.